Centurion Summit Fall 2020


0800-0830 Registration and Gathering.

Session 1: Resiliency in the Military Leader

08:30-9:30 Plenary Session with Retired Major General Bob Dees: Resiliency.

How can we equip our military leaders with “Moral Kevlar?” Major General Dees’ vision is to see a “Ready and Resilient America.” Therefore his mission is “To communicate relevant Biblical truth to promote individual, leader, and national resilience and restoration.” His message is particularly relevant to preparing our military leaders to face the challenges and trauma associated with deployments and combat. Resiliency is a critical life skill in every endeavor. It is penultimate in succeeding as a military leader. How can the church create men and women of resiliency?

0945-10:30 Breakout Groups and Processing with Major General Dees.

Session 2: The Partnership of Discipleship

10:40-1130 Panel Discussion with Churches, Chaplains and Contractors.

How can the church effectively partner with Chaplains and retired servicemen and servicewomen who are working as contractors in order to advance the Great Commission all of the world? What has your church experienced? What do Chaplains need? How can contractors serve as Discipleship Special Forces (DSF)? What discipleship tools are available and deployable now?

11:30-12:30 Small Group Processing and Lunch.

Cost and Registration: $25 which includes breakfast snacks and lunch.